
Hi! My name is Tanya Mills. I'm a portrait and event photographer based in Los Angeles. I love shooting on location to capture the mood and spirit of both special and everyday moments in people's lives. On this blog, I'll be sharing my most recent work as well as updates of what's going on in my life. You can reach me via email at tanya@tanyamillsphotography.com. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 25, 2008

#2 is done!

Just a little bit of fine tuning

I've always wanted to play the cello, and as an adult, I got the chance to start taking lessons. I borrowed an old cello from a sister's friend until I received my very own cello as a gift (thanks, B & A!). I called the new cello "the big-girl cello" because it only had fine tuners on the A and D strings. (Fine tuners are the mini pegs near the bridge that are easier to use for small adjustments than the great big pegs.) Well, this cellist here needed fine tuners on all strings, and and just never got around to bringing the cello to the string store to have it done. But I put this task on my 101 in 1001 list as item #2, and now it's done!


LAC July 25, 2008 at 9:36 AM  

You rock!
I don't think I've done anything on my list yet.. but heading to check now to be sure.


Have a great weekend.

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