101 in 1001 List
I've been looking forward to posting this list of the 101 things I'd like to do in the next 1001 days. I've been wanting do some of the things on this list for years now, and I hope that this project will be the kick in the pants I need to get started! I'll be posting updates to the blog as I complete items on the list, so stay tuned.
Start Date: Friday, July 11, 2008
End Date: Friday, April 8, 2011
Get piano tuned.August 4, 2008Get fine tuners put on C and G strings of cello.July 23, 2008- Memorize Chopin Nocturne Opus 9 No. 1.
- Complete Flylady’s BabySteps.
- Select pictures for wedding album.
- Read entire Bible.
- Go to Paris with Pat.
- Create photo album of family reunion in Germany.
- Take a refresher class in French.
- Take a refresher class in German.
- Finish my master’s degree.
- Transfer CDs from jewel cases into plastic sleeves.
- Clear my California Teaching Credential.
- Eat at Fassica Ethiopian restaurant.
- Attend a concert at the Jazz Bakery.
- Second shoot a wedding with Melissa Jill.
- Perform a song with Pat on banjo and me on cello.
- Watch the sunset.
- Ride my bike to the beach.
- Practice yoga twice a week at least 48 weeks of a year.
- Go out dancing at least once per quarter.
Get a new cellphone.July 16, 2008- Send out Christmas cards before Christmas
- Create website for photography business.
- Go to Portland with Pat.
- Start a statistics class at school.
- Teach AP Calculus.
- Have business cards made.
- Clear out binders in faculty room.
- Upgrade my camera body.
- Complete a tutorial on LaTeX.
- Create a syllabus for Honors Algebra II using the mastery system.
- Be able to have a 15-minute conversation in Spanish.
- Memorize Chopin Nocturne Opus 9 No. 2.
- Play cello with vibrato.
- Memorize all the 2-letter words for Scrabble.
- Schedule appointment with a general physician.
Get my car washed.August 31, 2008- Drink 32 oz. of water a day for a month.
- Clean out closet.
- Have pink dress altered.
- Sell wedding dress.
- Transfer/archive files from old laptop.
- Condition leather sofa.
- Grow an herb garden.
- Clear out email inbox.
- File teaching materials in home office.
- Clean out bookshelves.
- Find a better way to store shoes in closet than a pile on the ground.
- Read 50 books, not counting books for school.
- Attend a photography workshop.
Buy a second hard drive to back up data.August 18, 2008- Join a professional photographer’s association.
- Have a family portrait taken.
- Blog every day for a month.
- Complete Lighting 101 on Strobist.
- Update look of blog.
- Enter photography into a contest.
- Complete a Grateful Daily project.
- Become certified in CPR.
- Be able to identify 10 constellations without looking at a star chart.
Go grocery shopping with reusable bags (no more plastic!) for at least one month.September 2, 2008- Make Gena’s Mississippi Mud Pie without pudding mix.
- Create cookbook of favorite recipes with pictures.
- Make steamed pork buns.
- Make chilaquiles from Doña Tomás.
- Learn how to pour liquor by counts.
Attend a Wine Expo tasting.August 25, 2008- Cook a 3-course dinner for my parents.
- Eat a new vegetable.
- Make carnitas and fresh tortillas.
- Make tamales.
- Make mashed potatoes with a ricer.
- Throw a fondue party.
- Babysit for my brother and sister-in-law.
- Catch up with faraway friends and family at least once per year.
- Visit friends and family in New York.
- Visit friends in Boston.
- Visit friends in Chicago.
- Take a solitude retreat.
- Memorize Philippians.
See Tony Bennett perform live.September 12, 2008- Visit a photographic exhibit.
- Join a book club.
- See the Christmas lights at Griffith Park.
- Go camping.
- Compete in a sprint triathlon.
- Play a doubles match in tennis.
- Play tennis at least once per month.
- Help Habitat for Humanity build a house.
- Donate platelets.
- Write a letter to the child I sponsor in the Philippines.
- Volunteer at least once per quarter at the Los Angeles Food Bank.
- Have a canvas wrap made.
- Organize Yojimbo files.
- Donate blood. (I keep getting rejected because my iron count is too low.)
- Go to the Hollywood Bowl and enjoy a picnic beforehand.
- Choose topic and write proposal for Master’s Thesis.
Eat at the Outdoor Grill.July 6, 2009- Attend an opera with Pat.
- Floss every day for a month. (The dental hygienist will be so happy.)
Let me know if you have your own 101 in 1001 by leaving a link in the comments.
I like #77 and E will like #87. Paper Source has cool letter press business cards.
What a great list! I'm sure you'll accomplish it - the items vary nicely from dramatic departures of everyday life (a trip to Paris *sigh*) to the everyday (like all the recipes!) You've got to be one of the busiest people I know.
If I may, I'd like to recommend a book to you that will help you with numbers 61 and 50: "The Glory of the Stars" by E. Raymond Capt. It looks at the twelve constellations of the Western Zodiac and analyzes them for their role as allegories in the Gospel story. It's hard to describe, but rest assured it's brilliant for the insight it gives into the Zodiac, way beyond the daily horoscope (and it's a relatively small book).
Hope your summer is going well and in a relatively relaxing fashion!
Catherine F. K.
Where did you get the idea of 101 in 1001? Did I miss a great book or something?
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