
Hi! My name is Tanya Mills. I'm a portrait and event photographer based in Los Angeles. I love shooting on location to capture the mood and spirit of both special and everyday moments in people's lives. On this blog, I'll be sharing my most recent work as well as updates of what's going on in my life. You can reach me via email at tanya@tanyamillsphotography.com. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

#1 is done!

Piano Tuner

Yesterday the piano tuner came to tune our little spinet, and so I was able to mark off item #1 from my 101 in 1001 list. It was fascinating to watch the tuner work, from lifting the top off the piano and weaving red felt strips through the strings to tightening and loosening the screws while playing all sorts of intervals on the keys. And afterwards, I was treated to a little mini-concert as the tuner checked his work. I heard snippets of Gershwin and Rachmininoff, among others. If your piano needs tuning, visit the Piano Technician's Guild to find a registered piano technician in your area. Happy playing!


LAC August 5, 2008 at 10:55 AM  


Now will you play for us and YouTube it?

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