
Hi! My name is Tanya Mills. I'm a portrait and event photographer based in Los Angeles. I love shooting on location to capture the mood and spirit of both special and everyday moments in people's lives. On this blog, I'll be sharing my most recent work as well as updates of what's going on in my life. You can reach me via email at tanya@tanyamillsphotography.com. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

#62 is done!

Shortly after college, I spent about a year and a half in Germany. The first time I went to the grocery store there, I discovered they don't give you paper or plastic bags for your groceries, at least not for free. Luckily, I had my backpack with me, and it had enough room for my purchases. Not wanting to reinforce the "ignorant and wasteful American" stereotype, I quickly got into the habit of bringing reusable bags with me to the grocery store. But when I returned home to California, I promptly got out of the habit.

No more! For the last month I have used my own bags for groceries, successfully completing #62 on my 101 in 1001 list! In the beginning, I often had to run back to the car to get the bags, but now I feel like I'm missing something if I walk into the store without at least one bag.

What has really helped ingrain this new habit has been for me to put the bags back into the trunk of my car as soon as possible after I have used them. In the picture above, you can see them laying on a chair right next to the door, ready for me to bring to the car the next time I leave the house.


LAC September 7, 2008 at 5:13 PM  

i want to start this habit too. but the downside is that we will deplete our supply of bags for our flea market buyers. wish I had an alternative?

have a great night.

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