
Hi! My name is Tanya Mills. I'm a portrait and event photographer based in Los Angeles. I love shooting on location to capture the mood and spirit of both special and everyday moments in people's lives. On this blog, I'll be sharing my most recent work as well as updates of what's going on in my life. You can reach me via email at tanya@tanyamillsphotography.com. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 1, 2008

#38 is done!

I finally had my car washed, crossing #38 off my 101 in 1001 list! My car is now so clean it looks like I got a new one!

It has probably been over a year since my car has been properly washed. I have to park on the street everyday for work, so you can imagine how dirty it was. (Of course, I didn't think to snap a "before" shot...) The attendant at the car wash convinced me to get the hard water special to get rid of the water spots that covered the roof.

I'm glad I did. Look how my car glows in the sunlight now.


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