
Hi! My name is Tanya Mills. I'm a portrait and event photographer based in Los Angeles. I love shooting on location to capture the mood and spirit of both special and everyday moments in people's lives. On this blog, I'll be sharing my most recent work as well as updates of what's going on in my life. You can reach me via email at tanya@tanyamillsphotography.com. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 18, 2008

#52 is done!

With the purchase of this hard drive, I've successfully crossed another item off my 101 in 1001 list.

I was telling a friend about this list the other day, and almost immediately, she said, "Wow. That's like one goal every ten days." That made the project seem daunting and almost overwhelming, impossible even, and I hadn't yet felt that way about this endeavor. And so we talked through how much your perspective can influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions. I thought about how making this list has really helped me to finally get some things done as well as dream big and little about the next couple of years, and you know what, I'm excited again and ready to tackle the next goal.

I'd love to hear about your experiences with shifting perspectives.


LAC August 19, 2008 at 5:02 AM  

Congrats... that is a scary thought that we'd have to do one every 10 days. Ain't gonna happen on this end. My days are completely consumed with wedding planning right now. Serves us right for planning a wedding within 3 1/2 months of being engaged. lol. But I do love a good challenge.

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